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ZS-Series Viberating Shifter
( 型号 : ZS )
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ZS-Series Viberating Shifter

This series are suitable for the flow process, and are ideal equipments used for unequal granules through sieve. It consists of hopper, vibrating chamber connecting shaft, and electromotor. There are eccentric wheel, rubber, software, main spindle and bearing in the vibrating chamber. When the adjustable eccentric hammer is passing the centre of main spindle drive by motor, it may be out of balance and causes eccentricity forcing the materials to from orbital eddy. The amplitude of the hammer adjuster may be regulated by changing the types of material and the messes of sieves

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icon 公司名称 上海齐笙国际贸易有限公司
icon 街道地址 上海 松江 上海新地址:上海市松江区九亭镇涞亭南路599弄29号 201615
icon 电话号码 86 - 021 - 64605210
icon 传真号码 86 - 021 - 64605209
icon 公司网址 www.aligned.cc
icon 联系人 林凡 /

电话:86-021-64605210 传真:86-021-64605209