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LM Series High Shear Granulator
( 型号 : LM )
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LM Series High Shear Granulator

The blending and granulating procedures are completed in the same vessel of the machine. Powdery materials in the stationary conic vessel remain in a semi-flowing and rolling state owing to the agitation by blending paddle, and they are fully mixed. After pouring in adhesives, the powdery materials gradually change into fine, damp granules turn moist and their shapes begin paddle and the inside wall of vessel, powdery materials turn into loose and soft materials. Through the action of granule shaping paddle, the soft materials gradually change into fine and damp granules with the same size.

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[ 联系方式 ]
icon 公司名称 上海齐笙国际贸易有限公司
icon 街道地址 上海 松江 上海新地址:上海市松江区九亭镇涞亭南路599弄29号 201615
icon 电话号码 86 - 021 - 64605210
icon 传真号码 86 - 021 - 64605209
icon 公司网址 www.aligned.cc
icon 联系人 林凡 /

电话:86-021-64605210 传真:86-021-64605209